Join Mark as a Member Director
Take your passion for the automotive industry to the next level and make a real impact on the future of the industry and Member businesses.
Earlier this year we called for nominations for the position of SA/NT Member Director on the Capricorn Board. Unfortunately, the nominations we received were not eligible.
As a cooperative, we understand the importance of having a nominated Member Director in each zone. Therefore, we will be re-opening the nomination process on Tuesday, 29 October 2024. All eligible Members in the SA/NT zone will receive an email when nominations open.
We encourage you all to consider nominating.
Represent SA/NT Members on the Capricorn Board
Our Member Directors play a key role in making sure that the decisions Capricorn makes are always best for the Members.
Join Mark as a Member Director
Take your passion for the automotive industry to the next level.

Lead the way
Be part of a Member-driven organisation that thrives on innovation and collaboration.
Make a difference
Share your experience and insights to influence the decisions that matter.
Challenge yourself
Take the opportunity to broaden your knowledge and learn new skills.
Represent SA/NT
Voice the priorities of SA/NT Members and represent the Members in your zone.
Nominations Open
Our Member Directors play a key role in making sure that the decisions Capricorn makes are always best for the Members. Eligible Members from the South Australia and Northern Territory (SA/NT) zone can now nominate themselves to represent their zone on the Capricorn Board.
Your participation in the Director Election, as a candidate or a voter, is your opportunity to have a say on who represents SA/NT zone on the board.
Nominations for the 2025 SA/NT Director Election is now closed.
Stay tuned!
Drive change, build confidence
Learn how Mark grew personally and professionally by serving on the Capricorn Board.
"Personally and professionally from being a Member Director, I’ve got a lot of new skills, a lot of new confidence about what I can do. I’ve got some new ideas on how to run my business. Personally, I’ve discovered that I can do a lot more than I thought I could."
Mark Rowe
From Member to Leader
Watch Lydia share her inspiring path from business owner to a Member Director.
"It was one of the most magical days of my life. Hearing the Chair of Capricorn call me up and tell me I had been voted in by New South Wales. I felt overwhelmed, but I also felt so proud. And I felt so privileged to be in a position where I could help the industry."
Lydia Stjepanovic
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible to stand, a candidate must at all times meet the following criteria:
- be a Member in the SA/NT zone;
- hold 2,000 or more shares in Capricorn;
- be of good standing, both within Capricorn and the wider community;
- be involved in a trading automotive or allied business in the South Australia and Northern Territory (SA/NT) zone that has, in the reasonable opinion of the Capricorn directors, consistently demonstrated a high level of commitment to Capricorn through the purchases of goods and services from Capricorn or its Preferred Suppliers;
- not be a wholesale supplier to any automotive or any allied business; and
- not have any actual or potential conflict of interest that will create a material risk to the board or your capacity to properly perform your duties.
Any Member in the SA/NT zone who meets the eligibility criteria in the constitution (summarised above) can put themselves forward as a candidate in the 2025 SA/NT Capricorn Director Election.
Becoming a Capricorn Director
Part 1 — 2025 Candidate Information Pack
Detailed information on becoming a Member Director and the 2025 SA/NT Director Election process is contained in the Candidate Information Pack. You are strongly encouraged to read the pack as it contains important details on:
- what being a director of Capricorn involves and the qualities that are sought in a director;
- details on the election process including the “Candidate Assessment Process”;
- the duties, likely time commitment and past remuneration received by Capricorn Directors; and
- the professional development requirement if elected.
Key Information
Director Identification Number
In Australia, company directors are now required by law to apply for a Director Identification Number (Director ID). A Director ID is a unique identifier that a director will apply for once and keep forever – which will help prevent the use of false or fraudulent director identities. When you must apply depends on when you were appointed as a director. If you already have your unique Director ID, then that number is to be provided within the completed nomination form. If you don’t already have a Director ID, you will be required to apply only if you are elected. Further information regarding the Director ID is contained in the Candidate Information Pack or if you don’t yet have a Director ID, you can apply via abrs.gov.au.
Evidence of Support
Your nomination must be supported by two Capricorn Members that are recorded by Capricorn as being in the SA/NT zone. Capricorn may contact these Members to discuss your nomination. If you are submitting your nomination through the online form, you must upload either:
- the Supporting Nomination Form signed by each supporting Member (jointly or in counterpart) confirming their support; or
- an email from each supporting Member clearly identifying the Member in the signature block and confirming their support of your nomination (where the Member is a corporate entity or partnership the email should be from a Director or partner of the Member respectively).
No Canvassing
It is a requirement of the Capricorn election process that candidates must not canvass for votes. If any candidate does so, they will be disqualified from participating in the 2025 SA/NT Capricorn Director Election.
The requirement means a candidate must not take active steps through any means to obtain or influence the vote of any Capricorn Member outside delivery of their CV as part of the voting materials distributed by Capricorn. Each candidate is given the opportunity through their CV to obtain the votes of Members.
For clarity, the term ‘canvassing’ is broad and may include a range of conduct by a candidate, from contacting Members on a systematic and planned basis to contacting an individual Member on a less formal basis. Canvassing may be carried out using various means of communication including, but not limited to, phone, email, writing, via social media channels or in person. Asking or instructing another person or business to promote a candidate, or knowing that this is occurring without making any attempt to stop it, will also constitute canvassing. While candidates can encourage Members to vote in the election in general, they should not make any suggestion about the candidate for which a Member should vote.
Should a Member contact a candidate (on the number provided as part of their CV), then any candidate is free to answer any question concerning the CV and comments therein to that Member.
Part 2 – Curriculum Vitae and Photo
To put yourself forward as a candidate, you will need to complete a Curriculum Vitae (CV) in the format required. The CV is a standardised template which will be used by all candidates and must not exceed two pages in length. The CV Template is available from the link below and is required to be received electronically. A high-resolution professional-looking coloured photo of yourself for inclusion in the CV is to also be received. The photo can be provided in the format of a good quality digital print, or the original can be posted, please see the information above in the Deadline section. More information regarding the completion of the CV is contained within the Candidate Information Pack.
Part 3 – 2025 Nomination Form
If you think that you meet the eligibility criteria and wish to put yourself forward as a candidate, then you will need to complete the Nomination Form. You can choose between two options:
Online Nomination Form: We strongly encourage you to use the Online Nomination Form, which is designed to ensure that all required information is collected. Your data will be auto-saved, so you can return and complete the form on the same device and browser (excluding incognito/private windows). We won’t receive it until you submit your answers.
Download Nomination Form: You can also download the Word document and fill in the Nominations for. Note that, late or incorrectly completed Nomination Forms or Nomination Forms that are not accompanied by all required supporting documents will not be accepted.
You can then submit your nomination by emailing all the required documents to cslcosec@capricorn.coop.
Alternatively, it should be marked “confidential” and posted to:
The Company Secretary | Capricorn Society Limited
Locked Bag 3003, West Perth WA 6872
Part 3 - 2024 Candidate Assessment Process
As part of the 2023 Capricorn Director Elections process, we will be operating a mandatory Candidate Assessment Process (CAP). Through the CAP a candidate’s skills, experience and attributes relevant to the role of being a director are assessed and a rating is provided. The Capricorn Assessment Process does not endorse a particular candidate. Further information concerning the CAP is contained in the Candidate Information Pack.- Candidate Self-Assessment Questionnaire and Interview
Part 4 - 2024 Personal Disclosure Form
As part of any nomination, the Personal Disclosure Form as to your good character is also required, which is available from the link below.